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35th ANNIVERSARY - 35th anniversary of FINAL FANTASY series
The first FINAL FANTASY title was released on December 18, 1987,
and in 2022 the series reaches its 35th anniversary.
In this 35th anniversary year, we will be bringing you many exciting
new ways to enjoy the worlds of FINAL FANTASY.
Please look forward to what FINAL FANTASY has in store.
- Yoshinori Kitase
- FFXIV Producer/Director and FFXVI Producer
- Naoki Yoshida
- Ichiro Hazama
- Kei Hirono

- Yoshinori Kitase
V=30, VII=25, XI=20
What do you think these numbers mean?
They are actually the anniversaries of FINAL FANTASY titles this year. Every year a number of titles celebrate their anniversaries, but if you think about it so many from one series lining up in such a way is pretty unusual.
This is only possible because of the long-lasting passionate support for each game in the FF series from fans like you. Thank you so much.
And this year, the FINAL FANTASY series itself celebrates its 35th anniversary.
We will continue to work hard making each FINAL FANTASY game one that you will remember for a long time to come.
The FF 35th site will support new releases, sharing info on upcoming titles and merchandise. I hope you're excited for what's on the way for FINAL FANTASY!

- Ichiro Hazama
Hello, everyone! My name is Hazama, and I’m a producer at SQEX, among other things. Nice to meet you!
I’m here today to introduce the new Theatrhythm game, and I’d like to do so by giving you a simple rundown of its three greatest features!
First, there are a lot of songs! 502, in fact. Amazing, huh?
Second, it’s like an RPG! Even those of you who aren’t super into rhythm games will enjoy it. I know because I’m not a big fan either.
In this game, as your characters develop and gain new abilities, enemies will become easier to defeat and items easier to obtain. You can even reduce the damage you take to avoid getting defeated within seconds. And of course, there’s nothing better than the feeling of satisfaction that comes from completing a difficult song! How do you go about doing that? Well, our beloved heroes and villains will use their abilities to support you the entire way.
And third, the music is incredible! I’m probably stating the obvious, but every piece is fantastic and guaranteed to evoke all sorts of emotions and memories. And who knows? You might discover FF titles you weren’t aware of before.
And that’s it! Huh, that ended up being longer than I anticipated. And more emphatic. But we’re creating a game filled with such stirring music, so of course it’s going to be brimming with our energy and passion.
It’s been a while since the previous installment was released, but we made sure to make up for that, so please look forward to the title’s upcoming release!

- Naoki Yoshida
A big congratulations to the FF series on its 35th anniversary!
And greetings to all those reading this message. I’m Naoki Yoshida, producer/director for FINAL FANTASY XIV and producer for FINAL FANTASY XVI.
Some of you may find it strange that I’m congratulating a series I work on, but I actually bought the original FINAL FANTASY when it came out, and continued to love the series even after joining the games industry. In short, I’m a regular fan just like you.
That’s why I truly want to congratulate all those who worked on the series before me, and why I’m determined anew to give my all to working on it.
As it happens, we’ll be releasing the newest entry in the series, FINAL FANTASY XVI, on June 22nd this year. The team have poured their blood, sweat, and tears into this title, and we’ll be releasing lots more information in the buildup to its launch. Once it’s finally on store shelves, I hope that you all pick it up and experience one of the finest games we have to offer.
2023 also represents 10 years since FFXIV A Realm Reborn released, and we will continue working to make it even better. We have lots planned including in-person fan festivals held worldwide, collaborations, and in-game content, so pay close attention to FFXIV in 2023!
Allow me once again, as someone involved with the FF series, to express my gratitude to all the fans and gamers out there for standing by us over the years. Truly, thank you.
I promise to keep working as hard as I can to produce the best stories and games possible!

- Kei Hirono
Happy 35th anniversary!
And hello to all our fans reading this across the globe.
I’m Kei Hirono, the producer for the FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS (FFBE) series.
I’ve also been involved in the FINAL FANTASY pixel remasters in my role as head of Creative Business Unit 4.
In fact, we just announced on December 18th 2022, the FF series’ 35th anniversary, that we will be releasing the pixel remasters on home consoles as well.
The announcement got the attention of fans all over the world, and we’ve been hard at work ever since, determined to deliver the best product possible.
The team has more exciting details to reveal in the future, so keep an eye out for more information.
2023 also marks 8 years since FFBE’s release and 4 years since WAR OF THE VISIONS FFBE came out. They’ve got a long way to go to match the FF series’
longevity, but I promise we will continue to work hard on both so that fans can enjoy them long into the future.
Thanks for continuing to play our games!
Kei Hirono