Story Quest Update, Seasonal Events, and Holiday Bonus Campaigns Available throughout December
SQUARE ENIX® today released the December version update for FINAL FANTASY® XI Online, which brings a wealth of content updates and seasonal campaigns just in time for the holidays. This month’s update not only brings the latest update to the ongoing story series—The Voracious Resurgence—but also adjustments related to the new ‘Master Level’ system, as well as the annual Starlight Celebration event.

The Voracious Resurgence’s Tale in the Far East Concludes with the December Update
The December version update features the following campaigns and in-game content additions:
- Voracious Resurgence Update – This chapter of the story which takes players to the Far East draws to a close—find out what lies in store for the beastmen, Gessho and Reikuu, and vanquish foes via Records of Eminence.
- Updated Ambuscade Content – Moogles make their return for more action in Intense Ambuscade, while players can battle against evil weapons in Normal difficulty.
- Starlight Celebration Seasonal Event – From Thursday, December 16, at 12:00 a.m. (PST) to Friday, December 31, at 6:59 a.m. (PST), players are invited to help the moogles of Vana’diel retrieve stolen presents from goblins who have filched some of their most prized items. Additionally, numerous minigames will be available for players to enjoy, with various prizes such as an emote, themed items, and more available as rewards.
- Winter Bundle-Up Campaign – Beginning Monday, December 13 and through Tuesday, January 4 at 6:59 a.m. (PST), a new set of campaigns will be underway. Players can earn double to triple the normal amount of chain experience, capacity, and monstrosity experience. Alter egos will also see increase to HP and MP, with player combat skills also increasing at a higher rate—the perfect opportunity to level up a new job or join in the adventure.
- December Login Campaign – Players can receive various rewards by logging in each day and collecting points to exchange for prizes. December’s campaign features numerous items from past campaigns for players who may have missed out previously, including the Iron Giant mount, Cancrine Apron equipment, and Chemistry Set furnishing.
- Updates to the New Advancement System: ‘Master Levels’ – Minor quality of life adjustments have been made to exemplar point acquisition.

Earn Starlight Celebration-themed Items and a Sitting Emote during the Event

Full details for the December version update can be found here: https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxi/threads/58927
The WE ARE VANA’DIEL special site, which highlights various aspects of FINAL FANTASY XI and its history throughout the years, has been updated with a variety of new content to provide players a glimpse into the world of the development of FINAL FANTASY XI Online. A few of the latest updates include the following:
- WE DISCUSS VANA'DIEL #6 - Kawazu Akitoshi Part 1
- WE REMEMBER VANA'DIEL – New Behind-the-scenes Commentary for 2009 and 2010
- WE DISCUSS VANA'DIEL #5 – Yoshinori Kitase Part 1 through 4
- WE ILLUSTRATE VANA'DIEL Vol. 3 – Part 1 through 4

FINAL FANTASY XI Online adventurers can now find old friends with the FFXI ReFriender tool. The application aids players of the acclaimed SQUARE ENIX® MMORPG title in reuniting with friends that have shared past adventures, resuming their exciting journey, and even seeking out that “certain someone” with whom they roamed the land of Vana'diel® in years past. More information on the FFXI ReFriender system may be found at https://refriender.finalfantasyxi.com/.
FINAL FANTASY XI Online is an online multiplayer RPG that challenges players to journey through the world of Vana’diel® — a world of fantasy, adventure, and exploration. Heed the call and join players from around the world to become the hero that Vana’diel needs. Discover new creatures, pioneer wild lands, and conquer quests on your daring journey.