Finish Out the Summer with a New Login Campaign, Sortie Battle Content, In-Game Events, and the Latest Installment of WE DISCUSS VANA’DIEL
As of today, SQUARE ENIX® released the August version update for the popular MMORPG FINAL FANTASY® XI Online, which continues the story of the Voracious Resurgence with Chapter 9 Part 1, introduces new Sortie battle content, ushers in Ambuscade enemy updates, kicks off the August Login Campaign, and more.

Content and campaigns for FINAL FANTASY® XI Online’s August version update include:
- The Voracious Resurgence – Chapter 9, Part 1 of the gripping storyline continues on the continent of Ulbuka as the claws of villainy have made their way to Adoulin.
- New Battle Content: “Sortie” – Players can participate in Sortie solo or in a group of up to six players to obtain upgrade materials for Empyrean gear, as well as Old Cases, which are appraisal items that will change into job-specific gear upon use.
- New Foes in Ambuscade – This month’s Ambuscade battle update features Ramuh in Volume 1, and Morbols in Volume 2. Additionally, Exemplar points will no longer be gained or lost in Ambuscade.
- August 2022 Login Campaign – From August 10 at 8:00 a.m. to September 9 at 7:00 a.m. (PDT), players can receive various awards by logging in each day and collecting points which can be exchanged for in-game items.

The debut of Sortie content also introduces a brand new musical track, titled “Goddesspeed,” from the popular FINAL FANTASY XI music ensemble Nanaa Mihgo’s, a music group comprised of violinist Machi Okabe, pianist Takuro Iga, and programmer Naoshi Mizuta. Fans can watch and listen to “Goddesspeed” being performed in the official music video at: https://youtu.be/mefv4PsTfmY
Full details of the August version update can be found here: https://sqex.to/vptla

In addition to today’s update, players can celebrate the summer in-game with both the Sunbreeze Festival and the Green Festival starting August 11. During these events, players can experience a vibrant summer festival after nightfall alongside lively music and amazing fireworks, as well as obtain the new morbol apron and other event rewards.
The team also released the 11th installment of their WE DISCUSS VANA’DIEL interview series, which explores the world of FINAL FANTASY XI Online, as well as its development and history throughout the years. The latest four-part interview brings FINAL FANTASY XI Online’s Producer Akihiko Matsui together with Ragnarok Online’s Yoshitada Iwata to discuss the 20th anniversaries of both MMORPGs. Read the full interview at:
- WE DISCUSS VANA’DIEL #11 – Yoshitada Iwata Part 1
- WE DISCUSS VANA’DIEL #11 – Yoshitada Iwata Part 2
- WE DISCUSS VANA’DIEL #11 – Yoshitada Iwata Part 3
- WE DISCUSS VANA’DIEL #11 – Yoshitada Iwata Part 4
Past interviews with other legendary figures such as Naoki Yoshida, Koichi Ishii, Yoshitaka Amano, and Tetsuya Nomura are also available to read at: https://we-are-vanadiel.finalfantasyxi.com/
During the Return Home to Vana’diel Campaign from August 5 at 1:00 a.m. to August 22 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT), past subscribers may play free of charge as FINAL FANTASY XI Online continues to celebrate its 20th anniversary. More details on the campaign are available at: http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/campaign/wcb/index.html
From August 5 at 1:00 a.m. to August 31 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT), downloadable versions of the Seekers of Adoulin expansion pack and FINAL FANTASY XI: Ultimate Collection Seekers Edition are also available for up to 67% off. More details are available at: http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/campaign/discount/index.html
FINAL FANTASY XI Online is an online multiplayer RPG that challenges players to journey through the world of Vana’diel® — a world of fantasy, adventure, and exploration. Heed the call and join players from around the world to become the hero that Vana’diel needs. Discover new creatures, pioneer wild lands, and conquer quests on your daring journey.