The entire FINAL FANTASY staff wishes you a happy and prosperous New Year!
We've made a special illustration for you to enjoy alongside the following messages from the team.

Illustration: Rokuma Saito, FFXIV Art Team
Happy New Year to you all.
FINAL FANTASY XVI is set to release this year, which means Yoshi-P needs your support now more than ever. Cheer him on as he gives it his all down the stretch!
Also! Development is picking up speed on the title I'm producing, FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH. I'm sure many of your collective imaginations are running wild trying to picture how we'll recreate some of the game's most iconic scenes, and we'll have more to share about that when the time is right.
There's also another big announcement unrelated to FFVII that I can't say anything about just yet.
Rest assured we're working hard to make sure 2023 is the most exciting year yet.
Yoshinori Kitase
A very Happy New Year to you!
Thanks to the tireless efforts of medical professionals the world over, 2023 finally feels like the year that life might return, bit by bit, to what it was before the coronavirus pandemic. Indeed it is thanks to them that we game developers are able to continue doing what we do. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, to the entire medical community.
Work on FINAL FANTASY XVI, the latest entry in the FINAL FANTASY series, continues apace; we have at last announced the release date. We're busy putting the finishing touches on the game and making the marketing materials, so hang in there just a little bit longer.
But that's not all: FINAL FANTASY XIV is going to celebrate its 10th anniversary this year! And thankfully we'll be able to hold live, in-person FINAL FANTASY Fan Festival events all over the world to celebrate. Our 10th anniversary schedule is jam-packed, so stay tuned (and yes, Patch 6.3 will release very soon)!
Here's to a great 2023.
FINAL FANTASY XIV Producer and Director
Naoki Yoshida
Happy New Year, everyone.
Square Enix's Ichiro Hazama here.
My first instinct is to say "this year," but it's due to come out next month. Yes, the newest THEATRHYTHM game is nearly here!
It's also massive. There are 502 songs in this game if you include the DLC tracks! That could probably keep you busy until FINAL FANTASY's 40th anniversary.
True to form—and this is very important, seeing as it's the THEATRHYTHM series—all of the tracks in this title are the original recordings of the original tracks. That's right, the music that scored some of your fondest memories is here, just as you remember it. This release is packed with 35 years' worth of beloved tunes.
On behalf of the entire development team, I hope that this new THEATRHYTHM game allows you to relive your greatest FF memories and introduces you to entries you've never played before.
This feels more like a celebratory announcement than a New Year's greeting, but nevertheless, Happy New Year!
FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper Producer
Ichiro Hazama
Happy New Year to everyone the world over!
2022 felt to me like the year where things started to turn a corner, as in-person fan meetings slowly returned. I hope 2023 is the year I get to meet with our fans outside Japan, as well!
Thanks to its passionate fans, FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS entered its eighth year, and WAR OF THE VISIONS entered its fourth. The 10th anniversary is in sight and we've got no intentions of slowing down, so I hope we can count on your continued support!
FFBE Series Producer
Kei Hirono
We hope you're excited for this next year of FINAL FANTASY! Keep up with the latest on the FINAL FANTASY portal site and the FINAL FANTASY app.