National Horse Day in America is coming up on December 13! The mighty Odin is a mounted summon that appears in many FINAL FANTASY titles – we’ve prepared a few incarnations to share below!

Odin first makes his appearance as a legendary knight upon his mighty steed. The player can gain his assistance by defeating him in the Saronia Catacombs. Amongst his attacks, the Instant Death-afflicting Zantetsuken is especially powerful.

A solitary swordsman riding upon his trusty six-legged horse, Sleipnir. Normally he attacks with the Instant Death-inflicting Zantetsuken, but when facing off against enemies who are resistant to death he uses Gunge Lance instead, still inflicting massive damage.

Eikon of Barnabas Tharmr, ruler of the Kingdom of Waloed, whose dominion encompasses all of the eastern continent of Ash. Odin rides the skies atop a jet-black steed, clad head to toe in armor. While it is his Zantetsuken blade that his foes fear most—a sword so sharp it can sever the very threads of creation—he is also a mighty sorcerer capable of conjuring league-spanning magicked barriers.
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