FINAL FANTASY: THE 4 HEROES OF LIGHT celebrates its 15th anniversary on October 29! Released in 2009, this title in the classic RPG style features crystals, dragons and more.

Illustration: Naoki Ikushima (Designer)
We’ve got a comment from FINAL FANTASY: THE 4 HEROES OF LIGHT’s producer, Tomoya Asano, below!
It appears we have reached 15 years since the release of THE 4 HEROES OF LIGHT. Thank you so much – this is the producer of the game, Tomoya.
When contacted to prepare this comment, I reflected on the title for the first time in a long while.
I really feel like the game has a visual design that draws your attention. The towns, the world, the battles, the menus all have so much put into them. It really was incredible.
That classic SQUARE ENIX visual design was further established in the BRAVELY DEFAULT and OCTOPATH TRAVELER series, then grew into the HD-2D style to be used in TRIANGLE STRATEGY, remakes of legacy titles and games like LIVE A LIVE.
I should note, the game’s story is honestly embarrassing to think about now. The opening is DRAGON QUEST III as is, and the following developments are really just FINAL FANTASY III (although it does come into its own after that). I think, at the time of development, we didn’t know what to do other than fill it with the things we loved...
And now the latest title from my team, DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D REMAKE, is available for preorder! I hope you’ll check it out if you’re interested.
I truly appreciate having the rare opportunity to talk about THE 4 HEROES OF LIGHT. It’s also such a joy to have new art drawn by Mr. Ikushima.
(Hopefully at some point the game will be available on modern hardware...!)
Tomoya Asano
Joined SQUARE ENIX in 2001. Worked on the DS versions of FINAL FANTASY III, FINAL FANTASY IV and FINAL FANTASY: THE 4 HEROES OF LIGHT as producer. His recent projects include the BRAVELY DEFAULT series, OCTOPATH TRAVELER series and TRIANGLE STRATEGY.

Asano’s team’s latest title is DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D REMAKE, set for release on November 14 and available for preorder now.