• Feb. 21, 2025

The FFXIV Official Band, THE PRIMALS: Special Interview with Masayoshi Soken Commemorating the Release of the Yokohama Arena Concert Blu-ray!

THE PRIMALS, the official band of FINAL FANTASY XIV (FFXIV), performed a jam-packed, two-day concert entitled "THE PRIMALS Live in Japan - Darkest Before Dawn" at Yokohama Arena on September 21-22, 2024.

Live footage from the concert is slated to go on sale on Blu-ray in March 2025.

The FF Portal site is commemorating the occasion with a special interview with Masayoshi Soken, the leader of THE PRIMALS! We asked him about all manner of things, from his main job as a composer to behind-the-scenes stories about the creation of the band. He also had lots to say about the concert coming out on Blu-ray. Read on for more!

*This interview was conducted before the September 2024 performance of "THE PRIMALS Live in Japan - Darkest Before Dawn."

[Matching the Music to the Setting]

―First, we would like to touch on the audio in FFXIV. Do you try to create music that fits the themes of each new expansion or patch? How far in advance do you start considering how to integrate the songs with the new content?

Masayoshi Soken: It depends on the content, but generally speaking, that's never been how I go about creating the music—every song is its own thing. Pretty much once the next expansion is in the works, I set my focus on making the music for the upcoming patch. I don't necessarily try to make each song fit the same music genre for every update. Getting each piece of music to match what's going on in the game is what’s important.

―Does that mean, for instance, that you get to see the battle cutscenes first before you compose the tracks?

Soken: Most of the time, the quest and story cutscenes aren't ready when I start composing. Of course, I'm given the overall synopsis and progression of how the story goes at the beginning of development. The planners and writers go into minute detail when we discuss where the emotional beats are going to be. For fights, I talk to the team in charge of battle content. I aim to provide a suitable accompaniment to the game content.

Each expansion has its own distinct setting. For example, Heavensward featured many cathedral-like buildings, so I incorporated pipe organ and harpsicord instrumentals. I didn't necessarily take the same approach to the whole expansion, but I tried to maintain that same essence to the music throughout.

Another important aspect of FFXIV's music is the inclusion of arrangements of integral musical themes from other FF titles in the story. To give an example, the sections of FFXIV inspired by FFIII have the original game’s obbligato melody, the main theme, in the music. These kinds of musical references are used not only because the melodies were great, but also because they fit with the setting. You could say there are a lot of easter eggs for FINAL FANTASY fans hidden in FFXIV's background music.

[Loser Has to Sing]

―What was one of the harder songs to arrange for band or piano?

Soken: When it comes to band arrangements, songs with female vocals are always hard to adapt for an all-male group like THE PRIMALS. We have to adjust the key, which isn't too difficult, but getting the right nuance across is something I struggle with for every arrangement.

“What Angel Wakes Me” was a doozy... We were recording the backing instrumentals when someone asked, "So who's going to sing this?" We ended up playing rock-paper-scissors to decide and GUNN lost, so he had to sing. One of us had to do it, after all. (laughs)

For the piano arrangements, I tend to leave the whole thing to Keiko, so that's not at all difficult on my end!

“What Angel Wakes Me” (Band version)
YouTube URL:

“What Angel Wakes Me” (Piano version)
YouTube URL:

[Too Focused for Meetings]

―Please tell us what you usually do when you need to take a breather while working.

Soken: I get rather focused during the creative process, so I don't take breaks in the middle of work. Of course, there are times when I can't concentrate at all. But once my mind goes into work mode, I'm one of those people who forget to sleep or eat until the thing is finished. I don't show up to meetings either. (laughs)

When my concentration is interrupted, it takes effort to get back into the groove. But given that I have a desk job, I can't just immerse myself in the creative process all the time. So, when the creative side of my brain gets going, it's usually in the evenings when the workplace tends to get quieter. Simple tasks like remixes don't require too much inspiration, so I can get them done if I just keep chipping away at them between the constant rush of meetings, and then my imagination runs wild as nighttime approaches. That's my secret to getting things done, because otherwise there's just simply too much to finish.

[Creating a Band of Old Guys]

―Can you tell us how the game’s sound director started THE PRIMALS in the first place?

Soken: Back in 2014, when we were planning the first FFXIV Fan Festivals, the team asked me to put on some sort of musical performance to wrap up each major event, which would be held in Japan and overseas. Doing an orchestral performance crossed my mind, but there wasn’t enough budget—those are rather expensive. So, as an affordable way to get the crowds going, I had the idea of closing out the first day with a piano recital, then doing the complete opposite on the second day with a rock concert. I figured having two contrasting themes could provide enjoyment in different ways and offer more in terms of quantity, and THE PRIMALS was the rock band I came up with for that.

To explain why I chose piano and rock for those who haven't played FFXIV, one of the core themes of the game is the question, "What is 'justice'?"; one person's idea of "justice" may be completely different from another's. And conflicts arise when these differing views of justice clash with each other. In my mind, I pictured a black-and-white dichotomy between opposing values: thus, piano and rock.

―Are you talking about how FFXIV's villains have their own motivations and reasoning?

Soken: That's right. From the villains' perspective, the world has always been a certain way, so the people trying to overturn the situation are the enemy. That dichotomy of personal values is what I wanted to represent through piano and rock.

Oh, there's also a reason for the members that we have. At any concert, the main focus is the performers on the stage, right? But when I was planning my concert idea, I felt that the focus of the concert shouldn't be the people onstage, but rather the in-game experiences of each player. First and foremost, I wanted our players' game experiences to be the main focus, in which case our performers needed to be people who could light the spark and get those memories going. To really light that fire, I wanted members with plenty of life and career experience; people who would be able to fulfill the unusual requirements of our stage performances. After considering various options, I decided to go with middle-aged guys. I figured guys around that age would know a thing or two about life and have what it would take to make my ideas happen. So, I went around asking, "Hey, do you know any middle-aged guys who might be interested?" and that's how we ended up with THE PRIMALS.

―How did the recruiting process go?

Soken: I mentioned my ideas to someone in the industry that I'd worked with for a long time. I asked if they knew any middle-aged guys, and they introduced me to GUNN. Then GUNN suggested some of his acquaintances, and we had our band of grizzled dudes. (laughs)

Now that I've performed with them for ten years, I can confidently say that I'm glad I went with an older group. They keep everyone's game experiences front and center, and have really resonated with a lot of users and got them fired up about their memories of FFXIV. We all know who the focus should be on—for that I'm grateful!

As for our vocalist, I asked Michael-Christopher Koji Fox to write the lyrics for “Under the Weight” and he'd already recorded a demo for me. Due to time and budget constraints, he and I ended up singing together, and he's been singing for us ever since. I guess there wasn't much of a backstory to tell. (laughs)

[Enriched by the Music You Love]

―You mentioned that you've been listening to rock music since you were in school. How did that inspire you when making arrangements for THE PRIMALS?

Soken: Let's see. When I was a freshman in high school, a classmate introduced me to Metallica's "Master of Puppets"* album. My parents were strictly classical in their musical endeavors and that was the main genre I played too; so, when I first heard metal, I couldn't help but laugh. To be honest, I might have been a bit dismissive of rock at first. But the more I listened, the cooler I thought it was. Before I knew it, my classmate had brainwashed me into being a rock and roll fan!

My history with rock music, the stuff I've listened to, has had an impact on my entire musical style, not just in these band arrangements. There are types of sounds within the genre that I find cooler than others. The rock you hear in FFXIV has a distinct flair to it—I only make rock music that I like myself.

There's a positive output that comes from inputting the music that you like into creative works. I'm not the only one who thinks this—I'm sure many artists feel the same. You get enrichment from the music you enjoy, and you channel that energy into your own creations. It's a cycle.

[A Preference for Cool]

―You've worn cloaks during performances in the past. Is there any costume you'd like to try wearing on stage in the future?

Soken: Nah, I'm too old to care much about that. (laughs) THE PRIMALS are known for their black button-downs and white ties. I think it's better to look sophisticated than like a poser. But I do think suits are pretty cool. If I had to pick something else...there is something that might work! You know that level 96 armor from Dawntrail, with the studs and stuff? That might be fun. Kinda post-apocalyptic, you know? (laughs)

[It Started with the Warriors of Light]

―What's something that came about while performing as THE PRIMALS that sticks out in your mind?

Soken: I'm always impressed by everyone for freezing in place when we perform "Rise" at a concert. Our band chose to freeze on stage for that part of the song, but we hadn't expected our audiences to follow our lead. It all began with our 2018 concert in Korea. Apparently, our Warriors of Light (FFXIV players) in attendance had been giving out fliers with a quest marker, instructing audience members to "freeze in place with THE PRIMALS during the time freeze." When our band paused during the time freeze, we were unaware of what the audience had planned. The entire venue suddenly fell silent with us, and for a moment, I was really nervous and thought something had gone wrong. (laughs)

A while ago, at our Tokyo Dome concert, we recorded an official video showing our audience of 20,000 people freezing in place. Even after seeing it a hundred times, I still think it's amazing. Our Warriors of Light are amazing! Everyone's got those concert mechanics down pat! I may not be able to catch everything that goes on during our performances, but rest assured: I always watch the recordings afterward!

“Rise” Music Video
FINAL FANTASY XIV: Beyond the Shadow – Rise Music Video (THE PRIMALS)
YouTube URL:

[Kujukuri Beach in February]

―You've appeared in many a music video for THE PRIMALS. Do you have any backstage stories about the filming, or maybe things you worked hard on that you want people to notice?

Soken: Not sure if this counts, but the music videos we make aren't like those big-budget ones you see from other music artists. We basically just do our best with the ideas we have.

―Are you the one coming up with the ideas?

Soken: There's a director I've been working with for about ten years named Moriya. He comes up with a lot of the ideas and we brainstorm together. For the Endwalker and Dawntrail theme songs, we were given some budget to go on location for a shoot. Those backgrounds aren't CG, everyone! That's how I ended up in the mountains for Endwalker. It was really cold out there. (laughs)

When did we do that again? Fall? Winter? I don't remember, but I do remember that the top of that mountain was freezing. We drove up this path that was barely a road. Then they lined up the cars to go down, but it was just gravel and drop-offs all around us. They told us to stand on some loose volcanic rocks on the precipice. I was like, "Are you serious?" The filming was done with a drone and the staff kept yelling in their megaphones from far off, "Move forward. Just a bit more!" But we were on the edge of a cliff, you know? (laughs)

And then there was the Dawntrail theme. This expansion is supposed to be like the Warrior of Light's vacation, so we wanted the music video to have a summer break vibe. That's why we decided to film on a sandy beach by the ocean. I didn't think we'd find anything close by that'd have the right feel unless we went to Hawaii or Okinawa, or maybe Saipan. But in the end, we filmed in Kujukuri in Chiba February. (laughs)

I drove out there early in the morning and when I checked my phone, it said it was a whopping 0 degrees Celsius. The location was so freaking cold...and yet we were told to look like we were playing in the middle of a hot summer's day. They can only ask so much of pencil pushers, am I right? But we did our best. Our lips were blue from the cold, but the makeup artists gave us lipstick to keep us from looking so cold on camera. (laughs) Now that I've told you all what it was really like, you should watch the video again.

“Endwalker” Theme Music Video
ENDWALKER 7-inch Vinyl Single Music Video (FINAL FANTASY XIV)
YouTube URL:

“Dawntrail” Theme Music Video
DAWNTRAIL 7-inch Vinyl Single Music Video (FINAL FANTASY XIV)
YouTube URL:

[The Warriors of Light have Brought Us This Far]

―When you performed on stage at Tokyo Dome you said, "Next up, Yokohama Arena!" What are your thoughts now that your wish is being granted?

Soken: It's a complicated feeling. I work very hard as a member of THE PRIMALS, but my real job is managing a team of game developers. Sometimes I wonder if it's appropriate for people like us to be performing at such a big venue. But we're here thanks to the support of all the Warriors of Light—they're the reason we've seen this success. So, I plan to give it my all at the Arena. We might seem like big-name artists since we're playing venues like Tokyo Dome and Yokohama Arena, but for my part, I feel nothing but humbled. Think about it—it's great that we're all here under the banner of FFXIV, so we might as well be loud and proud. We've come this far already, no need to hold back.

―There are video visuals playing during the concert to look out for as well. Were you in charge of those, too?

Soken: It depends. At first, I was there from the beginning, checking over the entire progression, including the editing phase. But these days there are more people working behind the scenes, and more Warriors of Light for that matter, so a lot of it is done for me. I look over the final product, of course, but I'm not as in the process as much these days.

There's a surprise hidden in the video we've got for Yokohama Arena, though. In fact, I was in meetings about it right up until this interview. So, in some song or another you may notice some things in the video that you've never seen before...possibly.

―You've done a lot as THE PRIMALS so far, but what's in the cards for the future?

Soken: As long as FFXIV continues to grow, I think THE PRIMALS will grow right along with it. These days FFXIV isn't just a video game, it’s a lot more. I hope that people listen to THE PRIMALS, think our music is fun, and decide to play the game. If the band became a catalyst for new players, I'd like that!

―When you play instruments in the music videos versus on stage, does your playing style change?

Soken: I think fundamentally it doesn't. Not for me or my bandmates. But I guess you do get in your head sometimes. On the days we're being recorded, we tend to be a bit more on the ball. I wouldn't call our usual style "rough," but rock and roll is a pretty emotional genre at its core, right? When we know that we're going to be streaming or up on stage, I do feel like we keep it a little tighter than normal. (laughs) I mean, on days we aren't filming we might slack off a bit, or miss where we're supposed to come in, or whatever. Day two of the Makuhari Messe show was all over the place. It's not like we intended to be precise, but I got the feeling we were overthinking the whole thing. Hopefully we won't mess up like that at Yokohama Arena.

―Would you like to say something to the fans awaiting the concert recording?

Soken: If you're watching something filmed, that means both the picture and sound have been captured. That's why we're bringing you that raw feeling of being there at the venue on a disc with content you can sink your teeth into. I want it to feel like you're diving back into that space, that moment in time.

It's like playing a game, right? FFXIV is like that. Feeling like you're jumping straight into that world is great. The recording should also make it seem like you're right there for the concert in Yokohama Arena. I hope people who couldn't make it to the show grab this release, too. Then they can enjoy the concert right along with the rest of us!



FINAL FANTASY XIV's official band led by Sound Director, Masayoshi Soken since 2014. The members are Masayoshi Soken (Guitar/Vocals), Michael-Christopher Koji Fox (Vocals), GUNN (Guitar), Eikichi Iwai (Bass) and Tetsuya Tachibana (Drums).

Their major debut album "THE PRIMALS" was released in May 2018, and they have worked on several arrangement albums. Most recently, they produced the main themes for the expansions of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker and Dawntrail.

In June 2022, they held a two-day concert at the Makuhari Messe Event Hall. Tickets were sold out immediately after going on general sale, capturing a great deal of attention.

The band's activities are not limited to Japan, but also include live performances in Seoul, South Korea, and participation in the FINAL FANTASY XIV FAN FESTIVAL tours held in North America, Europe, South Korea, and China—their energetic performances appeal to a worldwide audience.

■Product Info

THE PRIMALS Live in Japan - Darkest Before Dawn

We are pleased to present THE PRIMALS Live in Japan - Darkest Before Dawn Blu-ray!

This Blu-ray album contains footage from the standalone live concert commemorating the 10-year anniversary of FINAL FANTASY XIV’s official band, THE PRIMALS, which was held on September 21st and 22nd, 2024, in Yokohama Arena.

There are 21 tracks, featuring popular songs throughout the series, from A Realm Reborn to the latest expansion Dawntrail, including familiar songs to rock out to, special stage spectacles with fabulous guests, and even the encore, plus narration by the Japanese voice of Ardbert, Junichi Suwabe.

Additionally, the bonus content includes “Endwalker - Footfalls” with gameplay footage submitted from players, as well as a behind-the-scenes look of this live concert in “Backstage with THE PRIMALS,” and two tracks that were performed only on DAY 2, the 22nd.

Contains an in-game item code that includes two orchestrion rolls!
- Bee My Honey (Darkest Before Dawn) Orchestrion Roll
- Give It All (Darkest Before Dawn) Orchestrion Roll

  • This item will be distributed to a single character of your choice on a selected service account.
  • This item code cannot be registered to a free trial account.
  • Please do not lose this item code, as a replacement code will not be issued.
  • This item code does not expire. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Square Enix reserves the right to establish an expiration date for this item code by providing advance notice via appropriate channels.
  • These item specifications are accurate as of this product's release in March 2025, but may change based on future game updates. Furthermore, this item may not be available for use in content implemented after the product's initial release.
  • The transfer or sale of this item code by any means is strictly prohibited.

Original Sticker

(*) “Master of Puppets”: 3rd album released by the American heavy metal band, Metallica.