• Oct. 24, 2019

FF Weekly: October 10th Poll Results

Q: Which of the following Mirages from WOFF would you like to use as your personal ride?

We asked, and you answered—the Mirage people most want to ride is none other than Phoenix! Here's some of your comments explaining why.

"Phoenix can fly and bring me back to life if I accidentally fall off."
"It’s a hot ride."
"It will let you ride above any traffic jams while enjoying the comfort and safety of a phoenix."
"Looks the most comfortable to ride! Basically a flying seat warmer!"
"Phoenix is the best!"

WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY was released on October 27, 2016, in Japan!

This particular FF game features monsters called Mirages, which can be combined in battle with the "Stack" ability. Outside of combat, the characters can also take certain Mirages for joy rides!

So this week's poll is all about taking monster pals for a spin!

Q. Which of the following Mirages from WOFF would you like to use as your personal ride?




Mecha Chocobo

Mega Sharqual

Magitek Armor

Poll Duration:
October 10–October 16, 2019, 23:59 (PDT)

Cast your vote from the FF Portal App!

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