Nice Garden Day in Japan is November 28! FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE features a flower seller with a beautiful garden that we’re ecstatic to introduce below!

Aerith Gainsborough
A young woman who lives in the Sector 5 Undercity selling flowers. Despite enduring unimaginable trials from a young age, she always remains positive in the face of them.

Flowers in Midgar have nearly all wilted away due to the use of mako energy and are considered a precious commodity. For Aerith, however, blossoms are hardly a rare sight. Between Sector 5's abandoned church and her home, she is never far from a flowerbed. After crashlanding on one such bed, FFVII REMAKE protagonist Cloud reunites with her and─once he sees the kind of danger she's in─agrees to be her bodyguard.

Cloud thinks his escort mission is over after safely seeing Aerith home, but she coerces him into letting her guide him to the Sector 7 Undercity.

However, before they can make any progress, she strongarms the poor merc into picking flowers for the Leaf House, the local orphanage. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to relax amongst the flowers a little longer?